Angela’s book War, Journalism and the Shaping of the Twentieth Century: The Life and Times of Henry W. Nevinson is now available in paperback, published by Bloomsbury (ISBN: 9781350382060).
My Next Book
My next book will be a biography of P. H. Burton (1904-95). Philip Burton is best-known as the Welsh schoolmaster who inspired and trained the boy who took his name and became the actor Richard Burton. He was also a pioneering radio producer, a playwright, actor, writer and influenced Dylan Thomas’s work. He spent the second half of his remarkable life in the States where he was president and director of the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in Manhattan and gave performance-lectures on Shakespeare across the country.
My most recent writings:
Rocking the Boat
Rocking the Boat. Welsh Women who Championed Equality, 1840-1990 is a collection
of essays that focuses on seven Welsh women who, in a range of imaginative ways,
resisted the status quo in Wales, England and beyond during the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries. They challenge expectations about how women’s lives were
lived then. They also explore different approaches to biographical writing and
understanding as well as raising issues of gender and nationality.
From the pioneer doctor and campaigner for progressive causes Frances Hoggan, to the irrepressible twentieth-century novelist Menna Gallie, these women spoke out for what they believed in, and sometimes they paid the price. They became familiar, and often, controversial voices on the page and platform in London, Oxford, Northern Ireland and internationally. Lady Rhondda and Edith Picton-Turbervill championed women’s equality at the heart of power in Westminster whilst Myfanwy and Olwen Rhŷs saw education as the key to change. Women’s Suffrage played a prominent part in the lives of these women and was especially important to Margaret Wynne Nevinson.
Their intelligence, determination and grit is revealed through their stirring stories. Taken together these essays critically investigate the challenges, setbacks and hard-won achievements of feisty women who rocked the boat over 150 years.
Parthian, 2018
ISBN 978-1-912109-50-0 £20.00 hardback
ISBN 978-912681-44-0 £11.99 paperback
and as an e-book.
Spring’s Green Shadow
Introduction to the Honno Press reprint of Cecily Mackworth’s novel, Spring’s Green
Shadow, first published in 1952. The new paperback edition (also available as an ebook)
published in February 2022 is in the Honno Press Welsh Women's Classics series. The novel
is set in Wales and Paris.